Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rossini - Cenerentola Deluxe - 2013

Komos, the gay men's chorus I founded and conducted for five years, was asked to sing in a traditional production of Rossini's Cenerentola in several Italian towns (Budrio, Imperia, Cento). Since I happen to be friends with many excellent Rossini singers, I decided to take the opportunity to stage the work again with them in Bologna, in the Conservatory where Rossini had studied, as a charity gala for ANLAIDS (Italian Association Against AIDS). I gave a slightly more contemporary shape to the opera, which I named Cenerentola Deluxe. All the arias except the first one for Don Magnifico and the aria for Alidoro were retained, but all but two of the recitatives were cut out. I invited the TV and cinema comedian Drusilla Foer to fill the gaps with a humorous narration, which we wrote together. 
I cannot claim to have been the director of this event: the singers could not rehearse much, so 80% was to be improvised. But I chose a cast of very experienced singers who were absolutely perfect for their parts, and I was sure they would give their best in improvisation. When Alfonso Antoniozzi (Don Magnifico) is around, it is only necessary to have singers who can react to his ingenious sense of comedy! 

Enea Scala: Sì ritrovarla io bramo

Rossini - Cenerentola Deluxe 
(Bologna, Sala Bossi del Conservatorio "G. B. Martini", may 2013)

Federica Carnevale (Angelina), Enea Scala (Don Ramiro), Alfonso Antoniozzi (Don Magnifico), Giorgio Caoduro (Dandini), Eleonora Cilli (Clorinda), Tiziana Tramonti (Tisbe), Luca Gallo (Alidoro), Komos - Coro Gay di Bologna (men's chorus), Elisa Montipò (piano), Drusilla Foer (narrator).

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